
Chi Nei Tsang

$130 for 60 Minutes

Chi Nei Tsang, or abdominal chi massage, is an ancient Taoist healing modality that translates as, “internal organs chi transformation.” Holistic and integrative, it utilizes deep and gentle touch applied to the abdomen and, in conjunction with the breath, has the ability to bring the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional aspects of our beings into alignment.

Using a combination of soft touch and breath, Chi Nei Tsang encourages vitality and efficiency in the organs. Also aiding in the digestion of unprocessed emotional charges and energetic stagnancy, it addresses all of the body’s systems: digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, muscular-skeletal, as well as the meridian system.

Chi Nei Tsang helps to detoxify the body of excess, improving elimination, strengthening the immune-system, addressing postural problems that result from deep-rooted visceral tensions. This helps to release chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulders, as well as misalignments of the pelvis, feet, and legs.

By encouraging the client to expand into their breath more fully, Chi Nei Tsang brings them into communication with the deepest fathoms of their belly, and thus, themselves.

Treatment focuses on breath work and gentle touch to the abdomen, with other parts of the body occasionally worked with.

  • Wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.

  • Come hydrated and well rested.

  • Avoid alcohol the day before your session.

  • Please don’t come under the influence of recreational mind altering substances.


Therapeutic Massage

$100 for 60 Minutes
$150 for 90 Minutes

Sessions include a combination of Swedish massage, acupressure, trigger point work, deep tissue massage, and energy work. Appointments will consist of one or more of the modalities previously listed to be tailored to the specific needs of the client’s body.

  • Come hydrated and well rested.


 Come Relax